Camillo di Vera S.A.S
Camillo di Vera opera fin dal 1966 nel settore del cartone ondulato, accumulando una notevole esperienza nella gestione e trasformazione di questo
prodotto così importante e necessario nel mondo industriale.
Da quel lontano 1966, in questo settore, le tecniche e le attrezzature sono cambiate ed evolute enormemente (vedi impianti stampa, fustelle rotative
ecc..) costringendo gli scatolifici ad investire enormi capitali in queste attrezzature.
Per custodirle, proteggerle, catalogarle, la nostra ditta si è specializzata nella progettazione e costruzione di sistemi di stoccaggio di impianti stampa
flexografici, realizzando e brevettando “Cling Up”
Soluzioni nelle quali, centinaia di clienti in tutto il mondo, hanno creduto e usano da anni con soddisfazione, risparmiando tempo, spazio e denaro!
• How much time do we lose to search and find flexo printing stereo’s?
• How much room do we need for the storage of flexo printing stereo’s?
• How much money do we spend to purchase new flexo printing stereo’s to replace those lost or damaged?
Without any doubt, time, space and additional costs are hidden components that heavily influence the company’s budget.
Such kind of costs cause pricing mistakes and delivery delays.
Nevertheless, new flexo printing stereo’s production costs continously rise.
That’s why we want to help you with CLING•UP.

What is CLING•UP
Cling•Up is a new storing system for flexo printing stereo’s composed by PCV panels and offered to companies dedicated to print corrugated boards.
Its composition allows to store flexo printing stereo’s in several different ways, from simple boards to multi-layer solutions, with the comfort of an extremely easy assembling.
Cling•Up allows to store flexo printing stereo’s in a proper way, catalogue them, easily find them and save working space with the result to reduce production costs.
Every panel has room for 84 flexo printing stereo’s that may be easily catalogued according to your needs.

Thanks to the patented panel shape a safe sliding is assured. Sliding is perfect even using heavy stereo’s without the risks of accidental releases.
The material compatibility allows a perfect PVC on PVC sliding. The maximum weight that each panel stands is 800 kg. Standard sized are the following:
1.000 x 2.500 mm.
1.000 x 2.000 mm.
1.000 x 1.600 mm.